Transportation & Logistics Industries Detail

  • Buyers/Travellers/commuters/trip-takers/customers/target audience: 20%
  • Automotive panel: 15%
  • Commercial vehicle panel: 18%
  • Aviation panel : 10%
  • Rail and mass transit panel: 10%
  • Shipping and logistics panel: 15%
  • Autonomous and electric transportation panel : 12%

The industry deals in taking either passengers or goods from one place to another based on their preferred mode of transportation or their budget. Market research panels for the transportation industry can be highly versatile depending upon the objective of the research.

A few possible ways to categorise such panels could be on the basis of:

  • Travel modes: Do people prefer air travel over rail travel, or roads over water, Or it’s just plain urban mobility? Such segmentation helps the companies to understand the needs and preferences of different types of travellers.
  • Demographics:In any market research survey, the focussed age, gender, income, education, ethnicity, and geographic location yield the sought after answers. For example, for a particular survey, a panel might consist of business travellers rather than budget-conscious travellers.
  • Trip purpose: When we are talking about the transportation industry, the purpose of the trip is another important criteria which can segment our panel. Business travel, leisure travel, or commuting would have an extremely distinctive set of requirements.
  • Geographic location: Transportation heavily depends on segmentation based on the geographic location of the travellers, such as international, national, regional, or local. That would be one more criteria to understand the different needs and preferences of the end consumer.
  • Attitudes and behaviour:How many of the users are willing to pay a premium for convenience or eco-friendly options? Or what does it take to satisfy the users using the current transportation options available? These are some kinds of questions to understand the general psyche.
  • The businesses involved in designing, manufacturing, marketing and supplying various kinds of vehicles to their respective buyers fall in this panel. They are primarily automakers, auto parts suppliers and dealerships.
  • Creating and making vehicles to be used for commercial purposes is highly skill-intensive. Therefore the panel consists of vehicle manufacturers, fleet operators and professionals from leasing companies.
  • Air travel is much in demand now that the standard of living of people across the globe has been uplifted through steady economic growth. No wonder, the panel comprising thought leaders and top management gurus from aircraft manufacturers, airlines and airport management companies is highly sought after!
  • Railways has been a preferred mode of travel for faster and budget travel consumers. What goes in their mind is well-studied by the think-tanks belonging to railcar manufacturers, rail operators and mass transit agencies. A market research that needs their opinion is easily accomplished by Crystel Research!
  • After we have talked about roads, rail and air, the only mode of transportation which is known mostly for commercial (and at some point luxurious travel) is water transportation. While we are at that, we have panellists including freight carriers, logistics providers and freight forwarders. In any supply chain survey concerning export and import, Crystal Research can easily assist you.
  • The latest phenomena in the logistics and transportation industry is the technological upgrade of the vehicles. They are designed to be highly fuel efficient and sustainable (run on solar-powered batteries) with a focus on environment/Nature; so much so that the traditional vehicles are upgraded to cleaner fuels as well as electricity. Thus the expertise of professionals in technology companies, vehicle manufacturers and charging station operators is high in demand, that form our panels.

Breaking up the transportation industry into these panels, helps identify target markets, assess market trends, and develop effective marketing strategies.

Would you like Crystel Research to assist you? We would be excited and prepared if you do!