Construction Industries Detail

  • Buyers/Customers/Target Audience: 20%
  • Residential Construction: 15%
  • Commercial construction: 15% (seed companies, fertilizer manufacturers, food processing companies)
  • Infrastructure construction: 12%
  • Green construction: 10%
  • Renovation and remodelling: 18%
  • Specialty construction: 10%

The construction industry is known for creating infrastructure and following it up by repairing, renovating and maintaining. Manufacturing and trading businesses as a part of construction generates a lot of jobs but not without satisfying its business stakeholders, customers and clients. And how to do it best is done by knowing their deepest needs, wants and desires. Crystel Research can help you with knowing all that. We specialise in data collection for the products and services of the construction industry. And a lot of our success is due to our stellar panellists.

Here are the various panels, starting with the buyer segmentation based on various factors specific to the construction industry:

  • Product Type: The type of construction products and services decide the panellists and segment them accordingly. Product types could be architectural designs, building materials, and construction services.
  • Supplier Loyalty: ince humans can be very biassed on one hand and very logical on the other, construction companies find it crucial to know their stance on supplier loyalty. We have a panel segmented on the basis of having a strong preference for a particular brand as opposed to those open to experiment from multiple suppliers before finalising their choice for a product or service.
  • Project Stage: People who have recently acquired a construction product or service, would have different needs than those who are in the process of researching and making a purchase decision for a construction product or service. Then there are those who don’t plan on doing anything related to a construction product or service. Our panel is segmented on this basis as well.
  • Demographics: This one is pretty easy and widely employed. People’s need for a particular construction product and service can vary depending on demographic factors like age, income, education, and geographic location. So this panel could come quite handy in research.
  • Budget: Getting an idea of budget limitation or flexibility through a panel segmented by budget is very crucial for businesses, so we have people looking for budget-friendly construction products and services alongside those who don’t mind spending extravagantly for high-end products and services.
  • Sustainable Practices: Since sustainability and eco-awareness is on rise, it is better to get the pulse of the potential clients. Our panel is segmented by sustainable practices; some are very keen on green building, others are looking for smart home technology, and others are looking for more unique sustainable construction practices.
  • Project Type: The panel can be segmented by project type, such as residential and commercial constructions.
  • Housing is often the ever-going sector in construction business and takes many entities/professionals (working for/with those entities) into its functional fold (shall we say panel here?). The list includes developers, builders, architects, and real-estate agents.
  • Just like housing, we have experts taking care of commercial building constructions. From contractors and architects to the professionals managing property management firms.
  • Since a country’s development begins with a well established infrastructure, the stakeholders like government authorities, engineering firms and Construction companies specialising in infrastructure projects (like roads, bridges, and airports) play a very important role.
  • The increasing awareness about the ways sustainability is making buyers ask experts to include it in their homes/offices. Thus there’s a panel in demand that can give their insight from having served such customers. They are the officials specialising in energy-efficient building materials, renewable energy systems and green building certification programs.
  • Construction companies and experts are flooded with projects that need post-construction tasks, like taking care of interiors, sometimes highly customised as per customer’s preferences. The panel mostly includes contractors, interior designers and DIY enthusiasts (who like to get their hands dirty and feel rewarded at the completion).
  • People involved are specially skilled to take up a unique task within a stipulated time. The category consists of people undertaking niche jobs like historic preservation, modular construction and industrial construction.

Different segments have their unique challenges and opportunities. Use it to identify target markets, assess market trends, and develop effective marketing strategies.