Professional Services Industries Detail

  • Fitness training services: 5%
  • Banking and financial Services: 10%
  • Business consulting services: 10%
  • Legal and compliance consulting services: 9%
  • HR and talent management Services: 10%
  • IT and Technology Solutions providing: 12%
  • Accounting and financial Reporting: 9%
  • Big Data  and analytics: 5%
  • Media and marketing services: 5%
  • Supply chain and logistics network: 5%
  • Healthcare and life sciences advisory: 10%
  • Education services: 10%

The service industry takes care of all the intangible requirements of the other industries across the globe. The professionals are skilled in deliverables that make foundations for the other businesses to run smoothly, without any friction from moving one function to another. Some of the key professional service panels are:

  • Fitness training services: People have grown aware about the things that are positively and negatively impacting their health and thus seek professional guidance on how to be better. No wonder we have a dedicated industry to cater to the needs of the audience and thus we have a separate panel to address market research objectives with professionals from this background.
  • Banking and financial Services: The people that work in managing money of the nation and people from all walks and backgrounds belong to this service industry. A backbone to a healthy economy, this industry is in huge demand whenever there’s any survey on service industries in general.
  • Business consulting services: The professionals in the business industry need different expertise in soft-skills as well as hard skills, and they need guidance from people who have excelled in their field. Consultants are thus hired in various functions of the company, like manufacturing or inventory management, etc.
  • Legal and compliance consulting services: Lawyers and people who understand law and compliance have a way with words and interpretation that others could not even begin to fathom. People from non-legal backgrounds can greatly benefit from their services. Therefore, if a market research objective requires, we have these experts as panellists.
  • HR and talent management Services: HR has emerged as a huge industry when people are recruited online and are available for work on the internet. The talent management professionals are on our panel if you have specific marketing probes to make.
  • IT and Technology Solutions providing: Technology is a field that keeps on updating itself so fast that companies often find it difficult to keep pace with it. Failing to do that, they often lag behind the competition who are fast paced. The industry is thus thriving and so are its professionals working hard. We are proud to have these people on our panels.
  • Accounting and financial Reporting: Since every company needs to crunch its numbers to know if the health of the company is OK or hanging on a thread, no wonder that accounting and finance people are having a great time offering their expertise. Crystal Research has experienced professionals on its panel to guide you in your marketing quests.
  • Big Data and analytics: Big data has grown big and is now used to analyse past and present trends to predict the future to some extent. The services to guide a company based on what story its numbers are relaying plays a big role in deciding the fate of these companies.
  • Media and marketing services: These are the services that play a crucial part in promoting the services and products, thus branding for a long term. Marketing and branding is often an ongoing process for a company and companies need experts to guide them on this road to long term recognition by the target audience.
  • Supply chain and logistics network: The professionals are seasoned people who know how to best plan the inventory and supply of raw and finished goods so that the cost incurred is minimum, positively impacting the bottom line. The consultants thus take care of the major cost centres of the businesses.
  • Healthcare and life sciences advisory: The industry is already talked about in detail and we have panellists available to assist us in our requirements!
  • Education services: This one is also covered elaborately in another section.

With all these service industry panel segments, businesses who want to dig deeper in their domain and are looking for the insights that only seasoned experts from their industry can provide. The only problem is, these experts are not directly in their reach nor do they really know what to ask and how to ask. Even more difficult is to process their insights into applicable tools to benefit their business in the long term.

Crystel Research understands your situation and fills in the gap to address all your needs. With our panellists on our side, we know what’s needed to be done to outshine your competition.

Would you like to discuss your project and understand if and how we can assist you to achieve your business goals!