Agriculture Industries Detail

  • Farmers: 20%
  • Agricultural Services: 15%
  • Agribusiness: 25% (seed companies, fertilizer manufacturers, food processing companies)
  • Equipment Manufacturers: 10%
  • Government Agencies: 5%
  • Research and Development: 5%
  • Traders and Exporters: 10%
  • Consumers: 10%

Agriculture is one sector that is poised on great revolution without which it would be impossible to feed the exponentially growing needs of the population. It would be inevitable that agriculture gets sophistication of mechanization and automation much sooner than later. Crystel Research can assist industries to take well-informed decision based on data informatics based on their own needs.

Our panel consist of following:

  • Farmers: The individuals and groups who own and operate farmlands fall into this group. They manage both small family-owned farms as well as large corporate operations.
  • Agricultural Services: The companies providing services such as crop consulting, soil testing, and pest control to farmers come into this category. Finding out how much are the farmers satisfied with their services is the main task of Research firms like ours.
  • Agribusiness: The companies providing services such as crop consulting, soil testing, and pest control to farmers come into this category. Finding out how much are the farmers satisfied with their services is the main task of Research firms like ours.
  • Equipment Manufacturers: The companies that manufacture and sell equipment used in agriculture, such as tractors, combines, and irrigation systems can use services of Crystel Research. We can collect data on how a product was adopted and then supported the farmers and other agricultural services companies.
  • Government Agencies: The regulatory and policy-making bodies working towards uplifting agriculture as an industry are in this segment. Department of Agriculture and the USDA. Crystel Research studies the impact of these policies and regulations on the agriculture industry by conducting interviews with government officials.
  • Research and Development: The R&D organizations strive to better the opportunities by revolutionizing the way agriculture is traditionally done. Mostly universities and private research firms fall in that category. Crystel Research watches and documents the trends and funding of R&D in the agriculture industry.
  • Traders and Exporters: This segment would include companies that trade and export agricultural products, such as grain traders and fresh produce exporters. Crystel Research would gather data on the export trends and analyse the competitiveness of these companies in the global market.
  • Consumers: This segment would include individuals and households that purchase and consume agricultural products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, processed foods, and livestock products. Crystel Research would gather data on the purchasing habits, preferences, and attitudes of these consumers to understand the demand for different agricultural products.

Crystal Research specializes in collecting and analysing data. For agriculture industry, the data include crop yields, farming techniques, consumer preferences, market trends, and more. A variety of methods for data collection, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data mining are employed for a comprehensive picture. Businesses and organizations gain valuable actionable insights within the agriculture industry with our assistance.